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Design as a force for good

We believe that we can have a positive influence on people's lives beyond our own supply chain. And that as designers, together, we can make a real impact on society as a whole. Together we can shape the world around us.
That is why Secrid pledges 1% of revenues to support talented designers who are driving positive change with new inventions. This way, we are building a movement to help shift the focus of industry from producing more, to producing better.

Look around you. Everything is designed. From the clothes you are wearing, to the phone in your pocket and the building you are in. All these products shape our society and impact our ecosystems.

Since the Industrial Revolution and the relocation of factories to low-wage countries, mass production of low-price and short- lifespan products has become the norm. This development has brought prosperity to some, but also social inequality, depleted raw materials, environmental pollution, declining biodiveristy and a climate crisis.

Industry cannot be stopped, but can be changed. We see a leading role for designer and industry leaders within that transition. The general guideline is simple: every new product must be better than its predecessors. We call this: Industrial Evolution.

impact fund designers
impact fund designers

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    Mission-aligned partner: Dutch Design Foundation

    Dutch Design Foundation is a mission-aligned partner. Together we believe in design as a force for good. We have joined forces to support talented designers.

    Secrid Talent Podium

    During Dutch Design Week we shine a spotlight on 7 talented designers. Creatives whose product designs are boosting the evolution of their industry. In addition to a podium spot, each designer receives coaching and a cash prize of €7,777: a reference to our 7 design principles for holistic product design. 
    The Secrid Talent Podium is a collaboration between Secrid and Dutch Design Foundation. Together we believe in design as a force for good. Below you can dive into the inspiring stories of the designers that we support.


    Mission-aligned partner: What Design Can Do

    What Design Can Do is a mission-aligned partner. Together we believe in design as a force for good. Below you can dive into the inspiring stories of the designers that Secrid supports.

    Design Challenge

    What Design Can Do (WDCD) organizes design challenges to solve the biggest social dilemmas of our time. The winning teams get access to a professional development program, receive a cash prize and can count on valuable publicity through the channels of all partners. Secrid is global partner of these design challenges and supports three of the winners with additional support and mentorship.
    What Design Can Do is a mission-aligned partner. Together we believe in design as a force for good. Below you can dive into the inspiring stories of the designers that Secrid supports.

    Daniel Freitag (founder Freitag) and our René van Geer (founder Secrid) took part in an interesting duo-interview by whatdesigncando. Read the interview here.

    Read the article about what constitutes ‘better’ design today by our team members Bregtje van den Berg, Thomas Boogert and Robin Foolen.

    Join us

    Are you working on something that supports our mission?

    Send us an email